Stop selling medicine, start selling the cure

Imagine that it’s a hot summer day, and you’re walking on the sidewalk with the sun beating down on you… when you start to feel a tightness in your chest.
You start wheezing. Suddenly you realize that it’s difficult to breathe!
You’re a bit frightened, but you’re still breathing—it’s just more difficult than usual.
You jump in the car and drive to the nearest urgent care clinic where you get ushered in to see the doctor right away.
You tell him how you’re feeling, nervous to hear what he has to say, but the doctor nods knowingly.
He stands, says “Albuterol” and leaves the room.
How do you feel now?
Do you feel any comfort or healing? Maybe just more nervous and confused?
The doctor thinks he solved your problem, but he is blinded by the curse of knowledge.
He knows that you have all the symptoms of exercise-induced asthma.
He knows the best way to give you immediate relief is to use an inhaler.
He knows that the most common prescription medication used in inhalers is Albuterol.
But you don’t know that.
Sure, you probably need Albuterol—but what you really wanted was the doctor to look you in the eye and say “I can help you breathe easy again.”
That’s the difference between selling the medicine and selling the cure.
Stop selling medicine, start selling the cure

You also have the curse of knowledge in your own domain, so it’s really easy to make the mistake of selling the medicine, rather than the cure.
This shows up when you ask people to follow your framework, technique, or step-by-step process without first emphasizing the outcome that your target customer wants.
The real solution you offer people is not climbing a mountain or pushing a rock up a hill.
It’s not the work that has to be done, it’s the summit.
You don’t join SOLD OUT Coach Club strictly because you get copy-and-paste email templates, step-by-step training, and weekly Q&A for help and feedback along the way.
You don’t join because of the work you’re going to have to do to create an offer, talk to your target customer about it, and recruit your founding members (getting rejected half the time).
You join SOLD OUT Coach Club because of the promised cure:
Earn $10K+ per month group coaching 90 minutes per week!
Earn a lucrative living using your life lessons to help people become healthier, wealthier, & happier.
Sell people what they want, then give them what they need
To turn your own wisdom into wealth, your job is to get clear on how you can help people become the future version of themselves that they already desire.
Of course, there is still work required. We need to be honest about that.
You have enough knowledge and experience in your industry to know there are habits, tactics, and techniques people need to apply to get the results that they want.
From the start, you know what people need to succeed—but they just want to know they can succeed. You’re selling confidence, as much as anything else.
Stop selling medicine, start selling the cure.
Sell people what they want, give them what they need.