The Magic of an Outside Perspective

Five Steps to Learning from Mentors in the Digital Age
Five Steps to Learning from Mentors in the Digital Age
When I launched my first online course in 2015, I had an itty bitty email list. My First Launch: A $10,541.85 StoryI launched my first video course, the Get Noticed!™ Theme Unlocked. With a 9-day registration period; the launch generated $10,541.85 in total sales. Before the
Mitch is a nice guy. You can tell because of the problem he’s having right now: “John - my frustration is the guilt of having to sell and not wanting to come across pushy.” I get it, Mitch. In fact, we all get it (right?). You’re drawn to
Every once in a while I get a chance to brush off my nerd glasses and use my Economics degree for something other than a pretty piece of paper on my wall in a box. It’s always a blast (for me), but you don’t need a degree to
Imagine that it’s a hot summer day, and you’re walking on the sidewalk with the sun beating down on you… when you start to feel a tightness in your chest. You start wheezing. Suddenly you realize that it’s difficult to breathe! You’re a bit frightened, but